Monday, 14 December 2015


Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well and in the full Christmas swing! I am fully recovered finally and with this new found health is a new appreciation of life... not so much, but damn do we realise how much we take our nose for granted when illness strikes. The freedom of breathing right now is such a luxury. Hello pure London air!

Moving swiftly on I have been obsessed with fur as have many. However I am so obsessed that one fur isn't enough, I need two. Welcome my two new babies, fur snow leopard coat and this little stripy ensemble. This may be a bit much for some and I totally understand that but to me, I love it. More is more. Its cosy, its colourful, its playful and its fur. Btw when I say fur I mean faux fur obvi, animal rights and all that. 

Both these pieces are from New Look simply because there winter gear has been killing it! Super affordable and feels great, besides the model in their campaign right now looks amazing. If she wears it, I wear it. London is officially freezing and I am heading back up to Aberdeen which is basically Alaska so I need to prep myself emotional and physically with these fur bad boys. The scarf actually looks really nice on leather jackets too! I have been after one of the striped Topshop ones but after seeing them range from £40-£60 I thought better not, I want to eat this week. 

Polo: Zara £19.99
Jacket: New Look £45
Scarf: New Look £19.99
Skirt: Zara (old) 
Boots: ASOS £45

ALSO if you thought it couldn't get any more ott check out my new booties. WESTERN, check, SNAKE PRINT, check, RAINBOW, check. Basically these boots are the boots of dreams and fit like a glove. They are crazy good quality for the price and the design keeps making people compliment me. Which I loveeeeee. 

Right I need to go stuff my face because..well...Food is First, Food is Life. 

Have a fabby week see you soon, 




  1. These photos are gorgeous! I love how dark and moody they are...perfect for the faux fur!

  2. Your muffler is amazing. I like this and want this. Have any option to buy this.
    Beauty Tips

  3. Your look is just stunning. Nice dress. :)

    Hair Treatment
