Saturday, 28 January 2017

Beauty: Bobbi Brown Remedies

Hello everyone!

Another week of January is down and yet the weather persists on getting colder and sharper. If like myself your skin just can't cope and is acting like a right diva then I may hold the key to happiness (bit of a bold claim, but you know). My trouble is that I never have one specific skin concern. I envy people that can just state 'combination' when you are asked the dreaded ' what skin type do you have?'. Firstly I hate that question, because quite frankly you need a good hour to hear the answer. My skin concerns change weekly. No joke, weekly. It completely depends on the week I've had. It pretty much reflects my mental state, eating habits, hormone cycle and daily schedule. The skin never lies.

Taken from Bobbi

Hence why skincare and having the correct skin routine is crucial. I also advise changing your skin routine every 4 months just to ensure your skin gets a good shake up. Ever since I was younger I would stare at makeup looks and it was never the eyes or the lips I was looking at, it was all about the skin. I have always been completely obsessed with dewy, clear, bouncy looking skin and envy girls who can wear no foundation at all. Hence why this year I am taking my skincare oh so seriously so that I can really strip back on the face base. Freckles and all. I am so obsessed that I am even known for slapping on this balm oil stick directly to my face at my desk. The girls think I'm crazy but I love that glossy cheek look. 

With all that being said what you need is to take your skincare and prescribe the concern with a treatment personalised to you. Which is why I want to talk to you about the new kids on the block. Bobbi Brown's brand new Remedies, I am lucky enough to work on the brand and get to see all the behind the scenes action that go into products and I can tell you, this launch is one of a kind. Each bottle addresses different types of skin whether you are oily, tried, lacklustre or dry it caters to all. You only need around 3 drops to cover your entire face and neck either morning and night for it to take effect. Please please please pick up a sample of these and at least trial it for 2 weeks to give your skin the chance to drink up their goodness.

I have been having a dabble with both Moisture Solution and Reviver to maximise the strength and vitality of my skin then pushing the hydrating drink that the moisture solution provides. All these late nights, polluted cities and central heating are none to kind to the old face. 

I do however 100% recommend you go into store or speak to an online artist to get these tailored to your concerns. I do not want you to spend money and effort in something you don't need. Unless its a lipstick. You are always going to need another lipstick. For more information please head over here.

Hopefully you find this post useful now go enjoy healthy looking skin!


Hello, Red Boots!

Hello everyone

I cannot wait until January is over, I know its bad to wish your life away but it really is a mind numbing month. The middle child of all months. I believe that is why sales are graciously given to us during January as a 'You can do this' incentive. Otherwise all you're left with is your Dry and Vegan mates... 

When it comes to sale shopping like most living and breathing females Zara is the only place I see. Its full blown tunnel vision. Which brings me to explain why this whole post is Zara infused, please believe Zara has not sponsored this post, (I wish). Call me, call me. Every year they do smash it out the park and this year was no exception. In my personal opinion I thought the sales this year were a bit lack lustre which only highlighted to me what a jewel Zara really is, thank you Spain. I always liked you.  

Anyone who has seen me for the past 2 weeks will know that I have been living in this coat, its super light weight, isn't bulky and yet still manages to keep me warm. I also had to fight an older gentleman in Zara who also wanted to adorn this piece. No no stranger, not today. Thankfully my lack of height lead him to believe I was probably some poor 14 year old and he couldn't possible snatch it from me. Like taking candy from a baby. 

Jacket: Zara (sale) £29.99
Jumper: Zara £19.99
Jeans: Marks and Spencer £34.99
Boots: Zara £49.99
Bag: Zara £29.99
Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters (old) 

 Now onto the main authority here, those red booties! I got these for Christmas believe it or not. I know cliche, but how could I not. I was a bit sceptical at first and did feel like I was a hair away from full on Kat Slater inspo however I do feel super paired back casual vibes can really pull this through. Surprisingly they are super comfortable to wear too unlike my new Mango ones, I still love you tho babies. Even if you do make me want to go full on 'Saw Mode' to my ankle. 

I must admit I am very much enjoying experimenting with my style a little more and actually putting thought into my purchases rather than just 'hit and run' free style through all stores. I am still thinking minimal and classic but I adore touches of rough to an outfit that stops it looking too try hard, i.e. the frayed hems. 

I shall end this rant here folks, please have an amazing weekend and I will see you shortly. Feels good to be back. 


Sunday, 8 January 2017

Blogger Favourites for Twenty Seventeen


As much as this pains me to say, I'm truly devastated that the time has come for me to put away my christmas dreams once more. Now is the time to focus on a brand new and very daunting fresh start of a year.... I refuse to dwell on the mistake that is 2016 so I choose to focus more on bringing back time for numbero one, moi. How very selfish of me. Basically as you may know I took a break from blogging last year as I found it really stressful juggling everything and everyone and I didn't want to push out content that would barely make it on Snapchat (I didn't mean it Snapchat I still love you). However this year I have chosen to take more time for myself and this includes starting up the blog again and saying the word 'no' more often. Scary thought to a 'Yes Man' like myself. Even as I type this I have had 3 of my housemates knock on my door. *housemates: don't read this (they wont). 

1. Love Cloth
2. I dress myself
3. We Are Twinset
4. Shot From The Street
5. Ropes of Holland
6. What Olivia Did
8. Little Magpie
9. Song of Style
10. The Little Plum
11. Sunbeams Jess
12. Brittany Bathgate

The secret to this unusual 'No' mentality is baby steps. The first baby step being to bring back my blog. I've really missed it and completely obsess over other blogs and wish I could go back to it. The inspiration that is out there is incredible thanks to platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. However this does serve as a constant reminder that I haven't done a OOTD in some time, the horror. what will justify my purchases now?!?! With this being said, I have compiled a list of my top 10 *cough 12 bloggers that I always look to for inspiration and blog motivation. In other words, obsession.

Check them out, I've linked their blogs Above! I'm always looking for new people to stalk over so please by all means comment your suggestions below and...

Thanks for reading!